An excellent Day in the Air on LKPS
Planning the first air show this season, and so far from Poland, beyond Prague, near Pilsen in the Czech Republic, I did not think that it would be an absolutely rewarding effort. Organized for several years by the Aeroclub in Plasy, this time the air show gathered nearly 15,000 spectators! And I'm not surprised at all. Excellent organization, atmosphere, facilities, including in my golden zone, friendly people, but above all professional and interesting aircraft shows. Planes and helicopters. Everyone did not spare themselves, they flew often and on time. And yet the weather, showers, clouds and wind spared no one. Unquestionably, the main show was stolen by the entire Red Bull team in their Extra's. But I was speechless during Martin Šonka's solo display show. It flew amazingly fast, agile with negative G’s and very low. I hadn't followed Martin's work before, but I quickly caught up. Way to go! Martin Šonka is the multiple times Red Bull Air Race World Champion. In 2018, the pilot claimed his first overall crown, and the first for the Czech Republic, in a gripping title battle. Šonka began flying gliders and parachute jumping at age 17. As a pilot in the Czech Air Force, he flew a supersonic jet fighter, the JAS-39 Gripen, in the 211th Tactical Squadron and was a member of the prestigious Czech Air Force display team flying the L-159 ALCA. No wonder that it was hard for us to talk until the end during a personal meeting !