80th Anniversary of the Outbreak of World War II - closed airspace R=50 km
At the invitation of the President of Poland, 40 foreign delegations came to Warsaw to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the outbreak of World War II. It is 250 guests from all over the world: presidents, prime ministers, defense ministers, emissaries of royal families. Therefore, in connection with the need to secure the celebration of the event,, the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency has separated around Warsaw the restricted zone R-140. A3751/19 NOTAMN A) EPWA B) 1908302200 C) 1909022200 E); flight restriction area R140 ACT. laterals limits: 50 km radius centered on: 521408N 0210224E - Warsaw; vertical limits: Upper: FL095 Lower: GND. All flight manned and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are prohibited in the area R-140, except flight with status: Head, State, Hosp, Medevac, SAR, FFR.